

Matchstick is an Italian-American writer and illustrator based in Florence, Italy. She was born and raised in Italy, but has lived in London, Bologna and Barcelona for different periods of time. She did a Foundation year in Graphic Design at LCC (London College of Communication), acquired a BA in Modern Literature at the University of Florence, continued on the same path with an MA at the University of Siena. She defines herself as an autodidact and dedicates her life to finding her style.

A Box of Matches, a Place Where to Hide Small Things, is an illustration website. It has various and different spaces because its aims won’t be satisfied nor settled with one argument. Thus, it wants to discover and reach numerous meanings with assorted techniques. Irony is with little consequence without beauty and viceversa. The website is, and always will be, a work in progress. Its hope is that it will show and captivate the observer, and also entertain.


The LiTTLE CUBES characters are very sensitive, ironic and sweet beings. They can represent a single emotion, a cliché, a state of mind or an event from the outside world. They seem naive, but they won’t let you fool them so easily.
DECORATED THiNGS is a straightforward category. I like to restore old chairs, ugly or ruined furniture that have been left by the bins and nobody else wants. I try to bring them back to a new life by sanding and painting them differently. I also visit flea markets and antique shops to buy white, neutral porcelain that can be embellished and given a pinch of colour.
In DREAMS so many different ideas are eligible. Drawings, illustrations, visions, sketches. The seen and the unseen.
CARDS is a small space where you can walk about with more freedom. If you’re looking for a special occasion card, you may choose or order one at your need.
OiL has canvas paintings. Classical, unrelenting.
And last but not least COMMiSSiONED is about the outside world requests. It’s also about you, about how you can make an appreciation or even a difference.